Southwest Virginia Ballet
The campaign for Southwest Virginia Ballet has ended!
Hi! Our Campaign is now complete. Thanks to you and the rest of our Donors, here's what we were able to raise.
Thank you so much for your support!
Our mission is to make the performing arts experience available to all ages from all walks of life through full-length productions of varied repertoire including classical ballet, contemporary, and new works. Southwest Virginia Ballet provides, free of charge, the highest quality of pre-professional training possible to young dancers and promotes cultural enrichment and awareness of the art of dance. SVB is committed to offering outreach opportunities for under-served and at-risk children from across Southwest Virginia. Your donation to our program will help us continue to fulfill our mission to our students. We thank you for your support of our program.
The money we raise from this campaign will allow SVB to continue providing professional caliber training to dancers FREE of charge.
I'm asking my friends and family to help me by pledging donations towards our program
Please click the Donate button below to help support my efforts.
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